
Accoglienza&Lavoro è un progetto promosso da Assolavoro, l’Associazione Italiana delle Agenzie per il Lavoro in collaborazione con l’UNHCR - Agenzia ONU per i rifugiati
Progetto Accoglienza e Lavoro

Welcome to Welcome&Work,, here you can find information about work and specific support services for beneficiaries of international protection, temporary protection and special protection.
The services are provided to holders of residence permits for international protection (refugee status and subsidiary protection), temporary protection or special protection, or to those who have requested for such permits and pending the procedure have received an equivalent document.

Welcome&Work is a project promoted by Assolavoro, the National Association of Labour Agencies in collaboration with UNHCR – the UN Refugee Agency.

Discover all the services for social inclusion and access to work guaranteed – free of charge – by the Employment Agencies for those arriving in Italy.


Assolavoro, together with the trade unions Nidil Cgil, Felsa Cisl and Uiltemp, signed an Agreement on support services for beneficiaries of international protection, temporary protection or special protection aimed at promoting their integration.

Assolavoro x Ucraina


Employment Agencies offer, free of charge, an initial information session on the Italian labour market and working through an Agency to beneficiaries of international protection, temporary protection or special protection. During the session, the person receives guidance on services and benefits offered by Employment Agencies for people arriving in Italy.

The first service offered by the Agencies for beneficiaries of international protection, temporary protection or special protection is a Skills Assessment (BdC). The BdC is a fundamental tool that makes it possible to map the skills and analyse the individual characteristics of the person, in order to direct him/her towards the most suitable capacity development pathway (Basic Italian language and culture course, or vocational training course).

The Employment Agencies provide free basic Italian language, culture and civic education courses to beneficiaries of international protection, temporary protection or special protection. Trainees can claim reimbursement of accommodation and meals during the course and are entitled to a daily allowance of €3.50 per hour. At the end of the training a one-off allowance of €1,000 is paid.

The Employment Agencies shall provide beneficiaries of international protection, temporary protection and special protection with vocational training courses, free of charge. Participants can apply for reimbursement of accommodation and meal expenses during the course and are also entitled to a daily allowance of €3.50 per hour. At the end of the training course, they will receive an additional allowance of €1,000 (if not already received it at the end of the basic Italian language and culture course).


Beneficiaries of international protection, temporary protection and special protection who participate in a basic language or vocational training course, or who are employed by an Employment Agency, are immediately entitled to access some welfare benefits completely free of charge. The services are provided through Ebitemp.

Assolavoro x Ucraina

Beneficiaries of international protection, temporary protection or special protection who attend a basic Italian language and culture course, a vocational training course or who are employed by an Employment Agency may apply for a monthly nursery contribution of up to €150 until the child turns three years old and until the end of the nursery attendance period.

Beneficiaries of international protection, temporary protection or special protection who attend a basic Italian language and culture course, a vocational training course or who are employed by an Employment Agency, can apply for grants to support the costs incurred for education:

  • Contribution for the purchase of teaching materials and books for their children (€200)
  • Contribution for the purchase of books or other educational material for students attending evening courses (€200)
  • Contribution for the costs incurred for the payment of the university fee (€200)
  • Contribution for the purchase of books or other teaching material for students in apprenticeship level I and III (€200)

Beneficiaries of international protection, temporary protection or special protection who are attending a basic Italian language and culture course, a vocational training course or who are employed by an Employment Agency may apply for the reimbursement for the expenses incurred for the purchase of baby essentials for each of their child up to the age of three, and for a maximum contribution of €800.

Beneficiaries of international protection, temporary protection or special protection who attend a basic Italian language and culture course, a vocational training course or who are employed by an Employment Agency, can apply for a reimbursement for psychological aid expenses incurred for themselves or their family members up to a maximum contribution of €200 per person.


Temporary Agencies workers hosting beneficiaries of international protection, temporary protection or special protection for at least 3 months may apply for an extraordinary reception contribution. The contribution shall be provided by Ebitemp.

Assolavoro x Ucraina

Temporary agencies workers who host a beneficiary of international protection, temporary protection or special protection for at least 3 months are entitled to an allowance of €1,000.

Temporary agencies workers hosting (including through adoption or fostering), for at least 3 months, pregnant women or children beneficiaries of international protection, temporary protection or special protection are entitled to an allowance of €1,500.